Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PTO Planning - Meeting Wednesday at 6:00 PM

PTO Planning for 2013-2014

Dear Parents,

      As we enter our last grading period for this year, I begin to focus on the 2013 – 2014 school year.  One of the many tasks at hand is the selection of our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) officers.  The purpose of this organization is to provide assistance and support to the principal and school through fund raising activities and student events.

      In order to have sufficient time to plan next year’s activities and events, I would like to have our officers in place prior to the end of this school year.  The three PTO officer positions are President, Vice President, and Secretary.   It is my hope that we will have to hold an election because we have several interested parents.   If you are interested in any of these PTO positions for next school year please indicate below and return your intent to the school office by Thursday, March 28th.  Ballots will be sent home for the selection of these officers after our Easter Break.

     I also realize that many of you have great ideas and input regarding activities and events to enhance our PTO function in our school, but may not have time, or wish to be one of the officers.  I would like to invite anyone interested in sharing your ideas with me to an informal gathering on Wednesday, March 27th at 6:00 pm in the school library.  Let’s get together and see what ideas we can come with as we plan for next school year.

Yours in Christ,

Janet B. Buras

I am interested in running for the indicated PTO position for the 2013 – 2014 school year.  Please return to the school office no later than Thursday, March 28, 2013.

_____ PTO President                          _____PTO Vice President                   _____PTO Secretary

Name (Please Print)________________________________________________________