Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Online Store - Uniform Orders Deadline June 21st

Please visit our Online Store to order your child's uniforms for the new school year by Friday, June 21st.

PreK T-Shirts, Grade School Shirts, Sweatshirts and Fleece Jackets can be ordered on the site.  The Uniform Code is listed on HTCS website.

Please note that students are required to wear CREW SOCKS this year - no ankle socks.

Pants, shorts, skorts and skirts can be purchased at InStyle in Pass Christian.

All orders will be ready for pickup at Final Registration on Monday, August 5th.

Thank you!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Early Bird Sale Extended at InStyle

Since the Early Bird Flyer was distributed to HTCS May  31st

We are extending the 25% OFF Sale
ON SCHOOL UNIFORMS for NEXT YEAR until this Saturday, June 8th


(Items MUST have ALL tags attached)

PLEASE NOTE our Summer Hours
In effect 6/3 - 8/30
M, T, W, F, -  10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday - 12 NOON -5 PM


In Style School & Career Apparel
212 E. 2nd Street
Pass Christian, MS 39571
+1 (228) 452-7407

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Closing Mass and Awards

Please know that the Closing Mass and Awards will begin at 8:15 AM on Friday morning at OLG.  Dismissal is at 11:30 AM.  Report cards will be in the classrooms following the ceremony.

Please remember there is NO After Care, but the bus will run as usual.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

After Care - Last Week May 20 - 24

Please know that the last day of After Care is next Friday, May 24th.  All outstanding fees must be paid by Monday, May 20th.  No care can be charged next week. 

There will be no After Care May 28 - 31.  Thank you!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let Us Shop For You!! Supply Orders Due by Tomorrow - the 15th!

Please don't let this deadline pass you by!!  School Supply Pack Orders for next school year are due by tomorrow, Wednesday, May 15th!!

You can order your child's supply pack online through our HTCS Online Store link on the school's website.  All of the items will be delivered to your child's classroom before the first day of school.

We're ready to shop for you!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All Accounts Must be in Order by Friday, May 10th

Please know that all students' accounts must be paid in full by this Friday, May 10th for students to return to school on Monday, May 12th. 

This includes:
  • Tuition
  • Cafeteria
  • Bus
  • After Care
  • Library
Phone calls will be made on Monday to parents who send their students to school without fulfilling their financial obligations.  Students will have to be picked up until all accounts are balanced.  Please contact Ms. Buras directly prior to Friday if you need to make any special arrangements or have any questions. 

Last Call for Summer Camp


We have 6 spaces left in our Summer Camp sessions which begin on June 10th.  Please contact the office if you would like to register your child!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Thank you so much to ALL of you who sent food, flowers, gifts and all of the other wonderful things you brought us last week in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week!! 

We still have plenty of goodies in the lounge - you certainly made us feel very appreciated!!

Special thanks to the PTO, and especially Maria Compretta who chaired last week's celebration!

We appreciate all of you!!

Bay St. Louis Police & Second Street Student Drop Off

We have asked all year, that children not be dropped on Second Street after 7:30 AM.  This request is made for the safety of your children.

Because the BSL Police Department has witnessed parents dropping children off in front of the school between 7:30 and 8:00 AM, and they have seen many unsafe situations with vehicles moving while children are being dropped off, they have notified the school that they will begin issuing tickets.

Beginning tomorrow, tickets will be issued for parents stopping in the middle of Second Street to drop their children off. 

Please use the carline if you are dropping off children during this time period.

Please remember, as always, these steps are taken for the safety of YOUR children.

Child Identification Program - Monday and Tuesday

Please know that the Bay St. Louis Police will be on campus today and tomorrow conductin the Child Identification Program in the PreK building.  This is the fingerprinting and ID program for which fliers were sent home last month.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Summer Camp Registration Deadline - This Friday! Don't Forget!

This Friday, May 3rd is the deadline to register for the 4th HTCS Knights Summer Adventure Camp!  There are only 7 spots left!!

If you need a registration form, please contact the office at smaxwell@holytrinitycatholic.net so a copy can be sent to you.

First Communion Gifts

We have a few First Communion Gifts left in the Online Store's Inventory.  If you are interested in purchasing any of these items, please contact the office.  They'll be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

Boy's First Communion Boxed Gift Set - Includes Rosary, Pouch, Lapel Pin, Scapular and My First Communion Mass Book - $15.00  (1 Available)

Girl's First Communion Purse and Gift Set - Includes White Purse with Cord Strap, Matching Pouch, Lapel Pin, Scapular and My First Communion Mass Book - $18.00 (2 Available)

Girl's White Gloves with Pearl Cross - $8.00 (2 Pairs Available)

First Communion Silver Lapel Pins - $1.50 (25 Available)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Important Letter from Ms. Buras (also sent as email)

April 30, 2013

Dear Parents,
I’m writing this letter as a follow up to a talk I had with student’s at today’s morning assembly.  I need your help in reinforcing the fact that the school year is not yet over.  Although we only have about a month left to this school year, it is not time for students to shut down academically, or behavior wise.  Unfortunately, some students feel summer has already begun.
We are all noticing that some students are not doing their homework, not studying for tests, not paying attention in class, and are choosing to ignore class and school rules.  These concerns need to be addressed and corrected; otherwise academic and conduct grades will suffer during this last nine week period.  Students were told that extra credit work will not be given to pull up grades and conduct points deducted will not be given back if they make the wrong choices.  Students should know the expectations and rules by the last grading period.  I do not want to see grades fall and I know, neither do you.  Please speak with your child/children regarding these concerns.
This is a very important nine week period when new material continues to be taught.  Students need to remain focused so they can do their best.  Please help me help our students remain focused until the end of May.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours in Christ,
Janet B. Buras


Please know that all past due and April tuition is due by TOMORROW, April 30th, or students will not be allowed to return to school on Wednesday, May 1st.  Statements are being emailed to everyone with balances this morning.

Friday, April 26, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS!! PTO Officers 2013-2014

Congratulations to our new PTO Officers for the 2013-2014 School Year:

President Christina Castoro
Vice President Ginger Kek
Secretary Wendy Chamberlain

We know these ladies will do a wonderful job for HTCS, and encourage all of you to get involved in the PTO and support them in the coming school year.  Congratulations!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

School Supply Pack Reminder - Deadline May 15!

Please remember that if you want to order your student(s) a school supply pack for the 2013-14 school year, orders are due by MAY 15th!  There are NO exceptions to this deadline.

Please also note that if you're ordering a School Supply Pack a communication folder and assignment book are already included in the pack.  Copy paper reams are also included.  You do not have to order those items separately.

Everything is included with the supply pack except for blankets, pillows, backpacks, and any fees.

If you plan to purchase your own supplies, you can still use the form or the online store to order a communication folder and/or assignment book.

If you've already placed your order and double ordered any of these items, Stephanie Maxwell will be in touch with you concerning a refund.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ballot Correction

The Ballots sent home today have a due date of Friday, April 22nd - that should be this Friday, April 26th.  Apologies for the confusion!  Thank you!

Child Identification Program

Thanks to everyone who has already returned their Child Identification Program form.  We have received many that only have one side completed.  Those will be sent back to you so you can complete the back side of the form.  If you haven't already sent yours in, please make sure to complete BOTH sides.

The CHIP location is HTCS.  Thanks so much!

Track Team Practice TOMORROW - Tuesday, the 23rd

Practice for this year's Track Team has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23rd, from 3:45 - 4:45 PM at the Pass Christian High School Stadium.  Ms. Lisa is sending home letters today with further information. 

PTO Meeting Tomorrow Night - Tuesday, the 22nd

There will be a PTO Meeting tomorrow night - Tuesday, the 22nd at 6:30 PM in the HTCS Cafeteria.  Our Guest Speaker will be Officer Duane Caughlin of the Bay St. Louis Police Department.  Officer Caughlin will detail the Child Identification Program.  Forms were sent home last week for this very important safety event for your children.

Ballots for 2013.14 PTO Officers are being sent home today.  You may return your ballot to school, or bring it to the meeting tomorrow night.

Child care will be provided during the meeting.

We hope to see everyone there!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blood Drive Changed from 23rd to 25th - Please Sign Up Online with Instructions Below

Follow this Link and Steps to schedule an appointment for Mrs. Uecker’s Blood/Platelet Drive next Thursday, April 25th:

·        Click on Thursday, April 25th
·        Choose Appointment Time as Available
·        Complete Last Fields of Data
·        Click on Finish to Confirm Appointment
·        Set up account if desired.

Blood/Platelet Drive for Mrs. Uecker on the 23rd - Please Help!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PTO Planning - Meeting Wednesday at 6:00 PM

PTO Planning for 2013-2014

Dear Parents,

      As we enter our last grading period for this year, I begin to focus on the 2013 – 2014 school year.  One of the many tasks at hand is the selection of our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) officers.  The purpose of this organization is to provide assistance and support to the principal and school through fund raising activities and student events.

      In order to have sufficient time to plan next year’s activities and events, I would like to have our officers in place prior to the end of this school year.  The three PTO officer positions are President, Vice President, and Secretary.   It is my hope that we will have to hold an election because we have several interested parents.   If you are interested in any of these PTO positions for next school year please indicate below and return your intent to the school office by Thursday, March 28th.  Ballots will be sent home for the selection of these officers after our Easter Break.

     I also realize that many of you have great ideas and input regarding activities and events to enhance our PTO function in our school, but may not have time, or wish to be one of the officers.  I would like to invite anyone interested in sharing your ideas with me to an informal gathering on Wednesday, March 27th at 6:00 pm in the school library.  Let’s get together and see what ideas we can come with as we plan for next school year.

Yours in Christ,

Janet B. Buras

I am interested in running for the indicated PTO position for the 2013 – 2014 school year.  Please return to the school office no later than Thursday, March 28, 2013.

_____ PTO President                          _____PTO Vice President                   _____PTO Secretary

Name (Please Print)________________________________________________________


2013-2014 First Day of School Confirmed

The first day of school for the 2013-2014 year is Friday, August 9th.  The full school calendar will be distributed with summer letters in June.

Third Quarter Awards Tomorrow

Third Quarter Awards will be presented after Mass tomorrow at OLG Church.  Mass begins at approximately 8:15.  Please join us.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Reports Cards & Awards

Report Cards are being sent home with the students today.  They are to be signed and returned on Monday.

Awards for the Third Quarter will be presented to students after Mass next Wednesday, March 27th.

Thursday, March 28th is a FULL DAY of school.  Our 5th Grade will present Living Stations at 1:45 in OLG Church.  After Care and Bus Service will run as usual. 

Our Easter Break begins on Good Friday and students will return on Monday, April 8th.

Easter Eggstravaganza - Rain or Shine

The Easter Eggstravaganza will take place tomorrow, rain or shine!  If the weather is bad, we will hold our activities under the SSC Dining Hall. 

If you have not contacted the office yet with the number of children you're bringing, please do so as early as possible today to make sure that the Easter Bunny is prepared for all the fun!

You can call 228-467-5158 or email smaxwell@holytrinitycatholic.net to reserve your children's spots.

See you on the Bunny Trail!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

2013-14 School Supply Packs Now Available

School Supply Packs for the 2013-2014 School Year are Now Available for Order through the HTCS Online Store.

Packs are available for all grades 2 Year Olds through 6th Grade.  These packs include EVERYTHING on your child's School Supply List except Blankets, Pillows, Book Bags, Changes of Clothes, and Snack, Activity and/or Art Fees.  All items are delivered to the teacher's classroom before the first day of school.

In addition to the Full Supply Packs, this year HTCS is offering some new single items as well.  Communication Folders (all students) and Assignments Books (Grades 3 - 6) are offered separately again.  However, the Thin Kindermats for PreK and Kindergarten students, as well as the Kindermat body pillow cases, and reams of copy paper are also available to purchase separate from an actual Supply Pack.

In order to complete these Packs and have them ready for the 1st day of school, all Orders must be received by Wednesday, May 15th.  There will be NO Exceptions, as it is too challenging to find all of the needed supplies at the last minute.

Please visit the HTCS Online Store today and order your student's Supply Pack today!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Menu Change this Week

Please know that the lunches scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week have been swapped.

Tuesday's lunch will be:  Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Carrot Sticks & Dip, Pears & Milk.

Wednesday's lunch will be: Turkey & Swiss Sandwich, Corn, Sliced Apples & Milk.

Thank you!

Pizza & Spirit Day This Friday - Orders Due!

Friday is our monthly Pizza & Spirit Day!  Students can wear spirit shirts with uniform bottoms. 

Pizza orders are due by this Wednesday, the 20th at Noon.  No exceptions, please!  We have to get the orders to Brooklyn Pizzeria on Wednesay afternoon. 

Thank you!!

800 Club Winner for Today!

Congratulations to Yvonne Garcia, our 800 Club Winner for this week!  Your $100 check is on the way!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

800 Club Winners to Date

Congratulations to Our 800 Club Winners for this Year!

(September 1, 2012 through March 11, 2013)

Our First Week Winners of $500 are:
9/3 - Ann & Tim Byrne
10/1 - Connie West
11/5 - Hasani Bolden
12/3 - Sharon Roche
1/7 - Hua Chen
2/4 - Hank Martinez
3/4 - David Boushie

Our Weekly Winners of $100 are:
9/10 - TienTse Reisch
9/17 - Cynthia Thomas
9/24 - Sidney Chevis
10/8 - Kristi Logan
10/15 - Kevin Drye
10/22 - Elaine & Donald Spiers
10/29 - Fran Sotak
11/12 - Stanley Beauregard
11/19 - David Necaise
11/26 - Jennifer Champagne
12/10 - The Mortillaro Family
12/17 - Brett Ladner
12/24 - Mark Anderson
12/31 - Ashley McLendon
1/14 - Joe Reboul
1/21 - Ken & Karen Moore
1/28 - Charlotte Whitney
2/11 - Lorraine Bowes
2/18 - Denise Walsh
2/25 - Wendy Gaspard
3/11 - Elisa LaFrance

Thursday - Bake Sale!

The 3rd Graders will be hosting their Annual Bake Sale this Thursday, the 14th.  Baked goods and treats will be priced between 25 cents and $1.  Please let your children bring some quarters and get a treat during their lunch time.  All proceeds will go to benefit St. Gerard and St. Vincent de Paul.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Picture Order Deadline

Spring Picture Proofs and Order Envelopes were sent home on Friday.  Please note that those orders are due by MONDAY, MARCH 18th!  Thank you!

Gently Worn Uniform Sale - REVISED TIMES!!

Please note that the time for the second part of the Gently Worn Uniform Sale has been extended.  The sale will be open from 2:30 - 6:00 PM.  Please mark your calendars.  The morning session is still 7:45 - 9:00.  Hope to see lots of you there!  Don't forget to send in your gently worn donations.  Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thank You, Miss Murtagh! Principal for the Day!

1st Grader, Claire Murtagh, spent today as Principal for the Day!  Miss Murtagh did a wonderful job as she addressed issues in all the grades, the cafeteria and the office.  From morning announcements to closing prayer, she made sure we were all well taken care of!  Here are a few pictures that capture the day!  Thank you, Miss Murtagh!

Gently Worn Uniform Sale Times Set

The Gently Worn Uniform Sale will take place next Friday, March 15th at the following times:

7:45 AM - 9:00 AM
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

The Sale will be held in the Main Lobby during these time slots.

If you have uniforms to donate for the sale, please deliver them to the office by Wednesday, March 13th.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gently Worn Uniform Spring Sale!

Pants getting too short?  Waists getting too tight?  Not to worry - Next Friday, March 15th, the PTO is holding its Spring Gently Worn Uniform Sale!  Times for the sale will be confirmed shortly. 

If you need some items to make it through the end of the school year, or you need to clean out your closets and dispose of uniforms that no longer fit, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

Items are priced from $1 - $10.

Friday, March 1, 2013

HTCS Basketball Team in Semifinals Tonight

Our HTCS Basketball Team won their playoff game this week, and will compete in the Semifinals tonight at 7:00 at the Long Beach Senior and Activity Center.  Please come out and support our Knights as they compete in this tournament!  Wear Blue!  Go Knights!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Diocesan Survey Due by FRIDAY

All families received an anonymous survey with their youngest HTCS student at the beginning of last week.  Please remember that those replies are due back to the office by this Friday, March 1st.  The Diocese has asked for 100% participation, so it is very important that everyone return their responses in the envelopes provided.  Thank you for your help with this very important project.

If you have lost your survey, please email Stephanie at smaxwell@holytrinitycatholic.net so another copy can be sent home today.  Thank you!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spring Pictures - Tuesday

Tuesday, February 26th, is Spring Picture Day.  Students may wear dress or nice casual clothes.  They may bring their uniforms to change into after the pictures - or they may stay in their casual clothes.  School shoes should be worn for the day.  No payment is needed on Tuesday.  Proofs will be sent home with an order form.  Thank you!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Field Day - March 1st!

Next Friday, March 1st is Field Day for all HTCS Students - an information sheet is coming home today.  If you have a student in 1st - 6th grade, please be sure to return their permission slip by Tuesday, February 26th so they can participate.  PreK and Kindergarten students will have their activities in the gym.  1st through 6th graders will have a Health Walk before their activities at SSC.  Everything begins at 8:30 that morning and is finished at 11:30.

Complete Your Family Survey Today!

Surveys were distributed to each family earlier this week.  Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous survey, and return your answer sheet in the enclosed envelope.  The Diocese has requested 100% participation, so it is very important that you return your data.  The deadline for this project is Friday, March 1st.  Thank you!

School Supplies Needed!

Please remember that we are currently having a School Supply Drive to assist Sacred Heart Catholic School in Hattiesburg.  We all know how every donation helps after a natural disaster.  Boxes are setup in the main lobby.  Please be as generous as you can.  Thank you!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Krewe of Knights Parade Rolls Friday at 9:30 AM

Join us tomorrow for our Krewe of Knights Parade, as we honor our 2013 Court and get ready for the Mardi Gras break. 

The parade will roll from our car line driveway onto S. Second Street towards St. Stanislaus.  It will then turn on Union, up to Beach and over to Court Street where the Mayor will toast the King, Queen, Maids and Dukes.  Everyone will return to school for 11:30 dismissal.

The 2013 Krewe of Knights Court is:

Madison Ladner, Maid

Gabriel Pellegrin, Duke

Emma Monti, Maid

Michael Castoro, Duke

Lucy Seal, Queen


Sawyer Hurt, King


We hope to see all of you along the parade route - come catch some beads and help us celebrate!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

PJ Day Tomorrow - Thursday

All HTCS students may wear appropriate pajamas tomorrow - Thursday - as part of Catholic Schools Week.  Pajamas must be worn with school shoes.

Happy Catholic Schools Week!!

Re-registration Packets
On Monday, January 28th, registration packets were sent home to current families for the 2013-2014 school year. Please know that these packets must be returned by Friday, February 8th to guarantee your student's place for next year.  Copies of the application can be made for younger siblings.  New family applications will be reviewed and accepted beginning on Monday, February 18th.
Grandparents Day
Wednesday, January 30th is our annual Grandparents/GrandFriends Day.  Welcome begins at 8:30 AM in the OLA Gym with Mass beginning at 9:00 AM. Classroom visits will take place after with everything concluding at 11:30 AM. If you did not send in address information, please know your child's grandparents or special friend are still welcome to attend.
Krewe of Knights Pre-Parade Party 2013
We will conclude Catholic School Week with our annual fundraising event.  This year, our event the Krewe of Knights Pre-Parase Party is sure to be a great time for all in attendance.  The evening begins at 7:30 PM and goes til Midnight at the Bay St. Louis Community Hall.  Live music is provided by Kerizma.  Delicious Mardi Gras fare food will be available in the Taste Fair area with wonderful tastings from Trapani's, Neil's, Cuz's, Grammy's, Li'l Ray's, Coach Mike's, Aaron Whitney, Dempsey's, and Cypress Cafe.  A cash bar of Beer and Wine will be offered.  Drink tickets will be available for purchase at the door.
This year an online auction component has been added so you can begin viewing items and bidding today.  The items shown will join with our famous, beautiful class projects and home room theme baskets.  Check into the auction daily to see new items.  We have trips, orthodontics, teeth cleanings, services, sports tickets and much more.

And, as always, our "Barrow of Cheer" will be full of an assortment of adult beverages - snacks too!  The raffle for this great wheelbarrow filled with fun includes chances - 1 for $5, or 3 for $10.  Tickets are on sale now in the school office.
We've also added a new component- a drawing for all families who purchase tickets.  Each family or sponsor that purchases tickets for next Saturday night will be entered in a drawing for a $350 tuition credit for this or next school year.  This award is not transferable and is a credit, not a cash prize.

Purchase your tickets online or at the school office today, and enter the drawing!
Mardi Gras Parade
The Krewe of Knights will roll again this year!  The parade on Friday, February 8th, begins at 9:30 in the school carline.  It then processes on S. Second Street to Union St. where the court will lead everyone to Beach Blvd. and on to Court Street for a toast and presentation at the Chamber Office.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dove Hunting in Argentina Anyone?

We have received a 2 Shooter 3 day/3 night package to Pica Zuro Lodge in Cordoba, Argentina for this year's Auction!  Visit the Online Auction today to place your bid on this All-Inclusive Hunting Trip.  You'll find everything you need, minus the airfare.

Dove Hunting Trip to Argentina!!

Open House for Interested Families

HTCS will host its Open House for Prospective Families on Tuesday, January 29th.  We have two sessions to accomodate families' schedules: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 4:30 - 6:30 PM.

These sessions will include School Tours and Information Packets for families and their children.

Please send any names and addresses you might want to invite to Open House 2013 to smaxwell@holytrinitycatholic.net .

Grandparents & Special Friends Day

Wednesday, January 30th is Grandparents & Special Friends Day at HTCS.

The day begins at 8:30 AM in the Gym with Mass at 9:00, and visits with the children to follow until 11:30.

Invitations will be sent out shortly.  Have you sent in your names and addre

Get Your Tickets - Krewe of Knight Tickets!!

Please visit our Online Auction & Ticket Site to:

Become A Sponsor

Purchase Event Tickets

Bid On Auction Items

Purchase Barrow of Cheer Raffle Tickets

(A Wheelbarrow stock full of Beer, Wine, Liquor and Snacks)

Krewe of Knights Pre-Parade Party 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Krewe of Knights - Online Auction & Tickets Now Available

Saturday, February 2nd is our Krewe of Knights Pre-Parade Party!!

You can purchase your tickets, become a sponsor, and place a bid on our first Auction Items by visiting this link:

Please reserve your tickets today!  And, share this link with family and friends who may not be able to attend but would like to participate in our auction.

New items will be added as the event approaches, so check back often!!