Thursday, September 13, 2012

Morning Drop Off Reminders

Please remember the following procedures for Morning Drop Off:
  • Teachers are not on duty until 7:30 AM, therefore there is no supervision for your children until that time.
  • All children should be dropped off through Car Line NO EARLIER than 7:30 AM.
  • Children should not exit your vehicle without a teacher or Fr. Tracey assisting them.
  • From 7:30 - 8:00 AM, children should ONLY be dropped off through the Car Line UNLESS walked in through the Front Doors with an adult.
  • Children should ONLY enter school through the Car Line or Front Doors of the Main Building.
  • If you need to drop your children off before 7:30 AM because of work, please contact Ms. Buras at to make arrangements.
Please remember these procedures are in place for the safety and security of your children!!  Thanks so much, in advance, for your cooperation!