April 30, 2013
Dear Parents,
I’m writing this letter as a follow up to a talk I had with student’s at today’s morning assembly. I need your help in reinforcing the fact that the school year is not yet over. Although we only have about a month left to this school year, it is not time for students to shut down academically, or behavior wise. Unfortunately, some students feel summer has already begun.
We are all noticing that some students are not doing their homework, not studying for tests, not paying attention in class, and are choosing to ignore class and school rules. These concerns need to be addressed and corrected; otherwise academic and conduct grades will suffer during this last nine week period. Students were told that extra credit work will not be given to pull up grades and conduct points deducted will not be given back if they make the wrong choices. Students should know the expectations and rules by the last grading period. I do not want to see grades fall and I know, neither do you. Please speak with your child/children regarding these concerns.
This is a very important nine week period when new material continues to be taught. Students need to remain focused so they can do their best. Please help me help our students remain focused until the end of May.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours in Christ,
Janet B. Buras